I placed an order from Christian Book.com last week and have been anxious for it to arrive! I thought I was done buying curriculum for next year, but I needed one more thing. And then you hate to just order "one thing". So, here you can see we got 4 more Ed Emberely drawing books. We have gotten such a kick out of his method of drawing simple creatures, cars, animals, people, etc. Truly, ANYBODY can draw the Ed Emberley way. As you can tell, the kids tore right into one of them and started drawing.....
He breaks down each subject into simple shapes. You add just one or two circles, dots, half-moons, etc. at a time. Like this:
.....I think this book, coupled with five or six colored inkpads would make the primo kids' birthday present. In fact, if you are friends with me, this is what your kid is getting at their next birthday! LOL.
Also, uber-excited about the Story of the World, Volume Two audio CDs. I love SOTW. It meshes nicely with Tapestry of Grace and speaks to the child in a conversational manner, which I really appreciate. However, last year with the Volume 1 edition, I found myself reading aloud for history, science and literature. Although my children have daily assigned independent reading, I still enjoy reading aloud with them. But I often get sick of listening to myself read aloud every single subject. I needed an assistant narrator! That's where Jim Weiss comes in. He reads through the chapters for you and now there's a little diversity in the classroom. Although I do pride myself at doing all the voices of the characters and trying to sound as dramatic as possible, I sometimes fall flat and end up pretty monotone. And it's at these times, I know I've lost the students. Just trying to keep things new and fresh around here....
The SMENCILS are a bribe for the treasure box. They just want to smell the flavors when we opened the box. I said "No, not until you've earned it, Mister!" Ha ha ha....I'm so mean.
You'll notice the brown paper bag-looking book there in the picture. That's for me. I'm determined to teach myself Spencerian Penmanship this year. I want to learn to write beautifully like my grandmother
(and every other person alive during her generation). I just ordered the primer book to get started. I need to get a few more editions to really master the craft. Yes, I just need one more thing to do......I can't help myself.
And, last but not least, we are giving the Jungle Doctor chapter book series a whirl. Timberdoodle and CBD both give it a seal of approval and I really love the idea of incorporating action/adventure with missions work. I think that really appeals to boys. Hope it's fast-paced and action-packed enough to keep up with my boys!
And on a completely seperate subject, I just have to include my
"Feel-Good- Chicken-Photo of the Day"...
My White Crested Black Polish, Pierogi. Lovely Girl. |
Oh I love that brown truck too! I get so excited when each new thing arrives. I keep thinking I will start school later each year, but I start early because I am so anxious to play with all the stuff that comes in. It's like "my" toys. Let me know what you think of the Jungle Doctor book series, we may have to try that out too. I hope you have a great school year!
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